Florida Lawsuit Challenges Regulators’ Failure to Fully Implement Medical Marijuana Law

Medible review florida lawsuit challenges regulators failure to fully implement medical marijuana law

TALLAHASSEE, FL — Florida patients and growers have filed a lawsuit over regulators’ failure to meet deadlines associated with the state’s 2016 voter-approved medical cannabis law.

Plaintiffs argue that the state Department of Health has failed to issue licenses for additional dispensaries despite an October deadline. Right now, there are 475 dispensaries in FL that provide a variety of medical THC and CBD available to qualified patients. Patients can buy up to 2.5 oz of dried cannabis flower every 35 days. Higher demand points to the need for more licenses to be issued.

“Florida law required the DOH to issue ten additional licenses by October 3, 2017,” the suit claims. “[Y]et the Department has failed to do so – an issue which patients say limits their access to lifesaving medicine.”

Regulators also have a backlog of patient applications from those seeking to participate in the state’s nascent medical cannabis access program.

Seventy-one percent of Florida voters approved Amendment 2 – a voter-initiated constitutional amendment permitting the regulated distribution of cannabis to qualified patients.

In July, plaintiffs Florida for Care filed suit challenging a legislative change to the amendment that prohibits the possession of cannabis “in a form for smoking.” That legal challenge remains ongoing.

Tags: Florida, Florida Amendment 2, florida department of health, Florida medical marijuana, United for Care

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