Which is EXACTLY why I wrote this article. That’s right, this topic is super important to me (and your business!) I cannot wait to give you my top tips to ensure that your cannabis brand is heard, seen and successful.
Recently I passed a cafe that had the sign “Best Chai in the World” and I was like whoa, the BEST? Now I wanted it. The important thing to notice is that they did not claim to be the best “latte and chai and muffin and iced tea and pastries and ALL THE THINGS.” They are a perfect example because they found their niche and nailed it.
And you need to do this with your cannabis business! Find your style, specialty, calling, and OWN it. People who like it will come. And the people who don’t like it, won’t (Pssst: that’s a good thing!) Finding your “thing” gives you the opportunity to grow your tribe with the right people because your specialty is clear. It creates a connection, clear expectations, and a unique facet to build off of.
Even if you are in the still young cannabis industry, you have to do it differently. You don’t have to rewrite the rulebook, but you have to find your “chai tea” and own it. And truly trust that you are offering something no one else can (because you are)!
As a cannabis marketer, I wanted to be the one that was more than a cannabis marketer. My goal was to be the marketer that ensured my represented extraction equipment got the best positioning available, to make sure growers knew my portfolio soil amendment increased yields. I wanted to be a FRIEND. Not only does that create a genuine connection, but it is playing to my strengths. With projects, drop the title, and bring YOU to your work.
Not only does this make your work more fulfilling, this will make you stick out – little interactions make a big difference in someone’s perception of you. Don’t limit yourself to your “title” you are more than a CEO, a Scientist, a Ph.D., – be a human– go above and beyond and aim to SERVE, CONNECT, and BE JOYFUL in your work… your customers will notice, trust me.
We have allllll been there- dealing with a business that didn’t communicate fully up front or left us guessing… and it’s no fun. Communicating thoroughly and with personality is a surefire way to stick out because it ensures that people feel heard and valued. This should be no different with our industry.
Communication can have a major impact on how your customers feel about their experience with you, and subsequently, you won’t blend into the masses. Now, this does not mean you have to write a personalized novel for every customer- it means setting clear expectations, consistency, and quick responses with a few personal details scattered in. Believe it or not, you can be professional and friendly in emails, and your customers will take notice.
You all know I am a branding FREAK, but for good reason! Branding is your chance to advertise your “chai tea” to the masses. Here are my top ways to stick out in regards to branding.
Be Consistent: Use consistent fonts, colors, messages on all your platforms. This creates a cohesive brand and comes across as professional, reliable, and paints a clear picture of who you are and what you’re about.
Be Honest: I am a someone who built her brand around jeans, shorts and t-shirts… You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not. It’s memorable, it’s real, and it keeps you in people’s minds.
Be Intentional: Before you post ANYTHING, ask yourself, “Does this appeal to my ideal client?”. Remember, this is the ONLY person you should care about sticking out to! Make everything about your brand cater to that specific demographic and ensure that you will “stick out from the masses” to the right people
I don’t care if you are THE BEST in your field, if your customers are left waiting, it will sour the experience. When I started my cannabis marketing business, I was actually a mainstream marketer, and I could totally relate to my inquiries in terms of promptness, organization, and timeliness of projects. Having first-hand experience with this showed me just how important timeliness is.
Whatever your field is, be diligent about timeliness. From how long it will take for them to receive your product, what the process looks like, what they can expect and when, and if something happens that delays the delivery of your product be upfront and apologize! Timeliness, timeliness, timeliness! You can be the best stinkin’ person in your field, but if you’re not prompt, it will undoubtedly cheapen the experience.
Many people raise the white flag in their young cannabis business and sum it up with “it’s already too saturated” and that is NOT TRUE… you just have to take the right steps to make sure YOU are the one people remember. You absolute must believe that a saturated market does not imply an end. There will always be a group of people to serve – an untapped market, and all you have to do is find your place in the market and run with it. We have to face the facts, nearly every industry is saturated these days, and if you dig into the advice in this post, you can find the niches within that are not.