Alice Toklas’ Moroccan Hashish Fudge: A modern-day reinterpretation 2023

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  1. jennie

    this stuff is amazing!!!

  2. Nathan

    I made this the other day and I have to say its pretty damn good! I have never had these before, so I dont know if its “authentic” but who cares these will knock your socks off and taste out of this world! I made mine with dates almonds and pistachios and I used the whole spices but used a food processor. I dont have a morter pestle. i also used the strain called deathstar because its really tastes earthy and that went well with the nut flavors. I do have a question if you can answer though. Can you use RSO or feco instead of the buds?

    1. Allan

      You can use cannabis oils instead of the flower. It doesn’t have quite the same flavor (a little milder), but the potency can be markedly higher.

  3. monica senter

    please let the author know that her name was Alice B. Toklas, not Tokla. this is sacred cannabis history, try to respect the pioneers by getting the names correct.

    1. admin

      Thanks for pointing out my spelling error Monica! It has been repaired 🙂

    2. Lizzy

      Grammar Nazi much? 😒

  4. Lizzy

    These came out freaking amazing! I’ve never had them (or heard of them) before but the recipe sounded pretty interesting. I used pre-ground spices, next time I’ll try whole, I don’t yet have a mortar & pestle (just ordered one though). Used raisins, dates, almonds and peanuts. I made 10 balls and they were strong AF! I used kief from my grinder, so it was a variety of strains. Hard not to eat more than one 😂😂😂

  5. Jessica

    Thank you so much for posting this! I made these many years ago and had totally forgotten about them. I saved the recipe and I’m going to make them again!

  6. HillaryGirl

    I thought nutmeg poisonous if you eat too much? That seems like a enough to make you sick. Maybe you should fix that!

    1. Allan

      Nutmeg contains a chemical called myristicin which produces very unpleasant toxic side effects if you have too much.

      Consuming 1 tsp+ of nutmeg can produce a variety of nasty symptoms including death.

      This recipe contains 1tsp of nutmeg for the entire batch, so as long as you don’t eat them all at once it is ok.

  7. Eric

    I’ve been watching the Bong Appetit VICE TV show with Abdullah Sayeed, and they use cannabis as both an “active” ingredient and as part of the flavor profile. I was thinking of using some cannabutter for this recipe, and micro planing some raw buds into the spice mixture for flavor and aroma from the terpenes. Depending on the floral, citrus, or earthy qualities, it would change the taste in the final product WITHOUT increasing the psychoactive effect. Thank you for updating/standardizing this classic recipe!

    1. admin

      You’re welcome! My 2 favorite strains to use with this recipe are Hindu Kush and Mazar Sharif because of the earthy tones they impart on the final product. I’m sure there are a ton of other great combinations to explore,sounds like a good experiment!

  8. Yolanda

    OMG I made this for a cannabis food party this weekend and it was a hit! Everyone kept asking me for the recipe over and over. I gave out your link. I made it with gelato strain

    1. admin

      Thanks Yolanda, Glad you and your friends liked it!

  9. Julieta

    Thank you so much! I have the original recipe but couldn’t figure it how to make it work

    1. admin

      You are welcome, hope you enjoy them!

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