Stratos CBD Tincture – 15:1 CBD:THC tincture review

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  1. harald L Christiansen
    harald L Christiansen

    I’m confused about the dosage, I’m 62 with moderate to severe pain. 3 dropper fulls seems high to me. Can you send me some more information on dosage. Thank you.

    1. Allan

      Hi Harald, the 3 droppers full will provide 10mg of CBD and 0.67mg of THC. You can always start off with a single dropper full if you would like and see how it effects you first. The THC content is very low in this formula so you should not have to worry about taking too much. Let me know if you have any other questions!

      1. harald L Christiansen
        harald L Christiansen

        Thanks. Will do.

  2. m cook

    will help me sleep and how long will it last??

    1. Allan

      The CBD tincture may help with sleep, as it aids in relaxation. Each person is affected differently, your mileage may vary. The Stratos Sleep tincture may be a better option if sleep is your desired outcome. On average these tinctures last 4-6 hours.
      Hope that helps!

  3. Judy

    I have RA and I am on Methotrexate is this safe to take with the CBD 15.1 tincture?

    1. admin

      Hi Judy, you should ask this question to your doctor. We cannot give out medical advice here, sorry.

  4. Sally Baumert

    Do I have to take it all at once or can I split dosage to twice a day?

    1. Allan

      You can always split the dose, but keep in mind that you may not be effected in the same manner. Its a good idea to use a little self experimentation to figure out the smallest effective dose for you. The dosages on the bottle are just a guideline.

  5. Sarai

    Can this help for breast cancer

    1. admin

      First thing, let me state that I am not a doctor. Nothing said here should constitute medical advice.

      There is anecdotal evidence that cannabinoids can destroy cancer cells, but those instances typically used a much higher concentration than these commercial tinctures can provide. They tend to use FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) or RSO (Rick Simpson Oil), although cannabutter and very strong tinctures have also been used.

      Here are a few articles that might help you find more information:

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