NASHVILLE, TN — Cannabidiol (CBD) administration is associated with a significant reduction in seizure frequency in patients with drug-resistant pediatric epilepsy, according to data published in the journal Epilepsy & Behavior.
Vanderbilt University researchers retrospectively assessed the impact of the adjunctive use of grey-market CBD products in a cohort of 108 children with refractory epilepsy.
Authors reported: “The addition of CBD resulted in 39 percent of patients having a greater than 50 percent reduction in seizures, with 10 percent becoming seizure-free. … No patients achieved CBD monotherapy, although the weaning of other antiepileptic drugs became possible in 22 percent of patients. … Increased alertness and improved verbal interactions were reported in 14 percent of patients in the CBD group.”
They concluded: “These data add additional support for the use of artisanal CBD in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy. … [O]utside of seizure control, CBD use was also associated with increased alertness, improved verbal communication, better social interactions, and better mood, suggesting additional benefits to use of CBD. … In summary, these findings support efficacy of artisanal CBD preparations in seizure reduction with few significant side effects.”
Phase III clinical trials have previously demonstrated the safety and efficacy of standardized, herbal CBD extracts (Epidiolex) in pediatric patients with uncontrollable seizures.
Later this year, regulators at the US Food and Drug Administration will undertake a ‘priority review’ of this data to determine whether to grant Epidiolex market approval.
Full text of the study, “Efficacy of artisanal preparations of cannabidiol for the treatment of epilepsy: Practical experiences of a tertiary medical center,” appear in Epilepsy & Behavior.
Tags: cannabidiol, cannabidiol oil, cannabidiol research, CBD, CBD epilepsy, childhood epilepsy, epilepsy